Monday, February 20, 2006

Blogging for beginners

Darren Rowse (ProBlogger via LifeHacker) is having a series of posts for new bloggers to better understand how to go about blogging. He says,

Over the next weeks I will be presenting an introduction to blogging that will help PreBloggers and NewBloggers unpack some of the basics of blogging.

The series is based largely upon the questions I regularly receive from newer bloggers.

By no means do I want to come across as the all knowing expert in this
series - I’m very aware of my own limitations as a blogger and strongly
believe that it is only collectively as a group that we really know
anything. As a result I’d encourage everyone (beginners or old hands)
to see each post in this series as an invitation to share what you know
on the topics we cover. As we all contribute what we know I’m confident
that we’ll all learn and create a useful resource for bloggers starting